
How mammoth will be the Wooly Mammoth marching on the Artic Tundra Again!!

  Dolly - The Pathbreaker & Mind Shaker 05 July 1996 can be marked as a rather special date in the history of modern science.   Dolly the first ever case of cloning a mammal had succeeded. Kept a close secret her birth was disclosed in a media leak in 1997 eight months after her birth. A frog cloning project had succeeded in the past but never a mammal.     Dolly was  cloned  from an adult  somatic cell by associates of the  Roslin Institute  in Scotland, using the process of  nuclear transfer  from a cell taken from a  mammary gland . Her cloning proved that a cloned organism could be produced from a mature cell from a specific body part. Dolly had three mothers, one provided the egg, and another the DNA, and a third carried the cloned embryo to term.   The process involved the  cell nucleus  from an adult cell being transferred into an unfertilized  oocyte that has had its cell nucleus removed. The hybrid cell is then stimulated to divide by an electric shock, and when it